Have any feedback, questions, or problems with the Timeline View? Check out the FAQ's section first, otherwise, feel free to reach out to our team at. Preventing access to the Timeline View directly isn't available, aside from removing the member in question from the board. No, access to the Timeline View is only available to members of the Trello Board Can I prevent certain Workspace members from accessing the Timeline View? If I share the Timeline View with someone who isn't a member of my Trello Board, can they see it? Click the Advanced tab, enter a date in the Deadline box. There are no current plans to make the Timeline View available to free Workspaces. Simply double-click on a task to open the Task Information Dialog. Will the Timeline View ever be available for boards on free Workspaces? Premium Workspaces subscribed to a legacy plan are not eligible. In this case, you can move the board to your Workspace with the subscription. The Timeline View is only available for boards and Workspaces that are subscribed to Premium and Enterprise. If you have this subscription but can't see the Timeline View it could be because your board isn't on the correct Workspace. Group your cards by date, member, label or listįrequently asked questions Why can't I see the Timeline View?
You can select between day, week, month, or quarterly. Here are the features available:Ĭhoose to view your timeline with different time periods. We get this, which is why the Timeline View is also available in our mobile apps.